Clutter Corner - Organize, Clean and Transform Your Home

The Essential First Step in Mindful Decluttering with Gavin Ashley



What is the essential first step in mindful decluttering? Join Angela Brown and intuitive healer Gavin Ashley in a groundbreaking conversation about addressing emotional clutter and feeling stuck in life.  Angela leads the discussion on the common struggles of feeling paralyzed by clutter and unresolved emotions, inviting Gavin to shed light on the principles of intuitive healing.  Gavin emphasizes the power of expression through writing and self-reflection, encouraging listeners to confront their feelings honestly.  As the conversation unfolds, they explore the transformative potential of decluttering physical spaces, relationships, and emotional baggage.  Discover how embracing intuitive healing can pave the way for a fresh start and meaningful connections in 2024. #HoardingWorld #AskAngelaBrown Chapters: 00:00:00 Introduction of Intuitive Healer  00:00:46 Understanding Intuitive Healing  00:01:05 Starting Point: Writing it Down  00:02:03 Clarifying Thoughts Through Writing  00:02:56 Expression of Actual Fe