Clutter Corner - Organize, Clean and Transform Your Home

From A Cluttered Spaces to Self Love with Linn Rivers



Let's listen to Linn Rivers how, from a cluttered space to self love, the journey of a hoarder child. In this candid conversation, the host and guest delve into the complexities of growing up amidst trauma and its lasting effects on self-love and relationships.  Linn Rivers shares her journey of overcoming a childhood marked by loss, abandonment, and the struggle to understand love. From early hospitalizations to navigating relationships clouded by fear and pain, Linn reflects on how her upbringing shaped her perceptions and behaviors. The discussion highlights the unconscious survival mechanisms individuals develop to cope with their environments.  Linn's story resonates with many who find themselves unconsciously repeating patterns of dysfunction in search of familiarity and safety. Through vulnerability and self-reflection, Linn acknowledges her journey toward healing and self-discovery. The conversation broadens to explore how experiences of trauma and chaos can manifest differently yet share common threa