Clutter Corner - Organize, Clean and Transform Your Home

Organize Your Closet for Every Era with Imogen Lamport



How do you organize your closet for every era? In this enlightening conversation, Angela Brown engages with renowned international image consultant Imogen Lamport to unveil the intricacies of fashion trends and the pitfalls of falling for passing fads.  Imogen delves into the distinction between timeless classics, enduring trends, and fleeting fads, shedding light on how individuals often succumb to the allure of transient styles.  Through insightful examples like the evolution of the classic black pants and the rise and fall of colored jeans, she underscores the importance of discerning wearable trends from extreme fads.  Imogen's advice extends to practical strategies for evaluating one's wardrobe's relevance, urging listeners to consider their body shape, coloring, and personality when making fashion choices.  Focusing on empowerment through style education, Imogen equips individuals with the tools to curate wardrobes that authentically reflect their identity, enhancing confidence and comfort in personal e