Clutter Corner - Organize, Clean and Transform Your Home

Clearing the Emotional Clutter with Gavin Ashley



In this enlightening discussion about clearing the emotional clutter, Angela Brown sits down with intuitive healer Gavin Ashley to explore the perplexing question: why do we feel paralyzed when facing clutter and emotional blockages in our lives? Gavin delves into the concept of intuitive healing, shedding light on how understanding the facets of our personalities can help identify and dissolve these barriers. Through their conversation, Gavin explains the crucial link between expressing emotions on paper and fostering creativity and problem-solving. He emphasizes the importance of creating mental space and calming the mind to navigate stressful situations effectively. Angela reflects on her own experiences, recognizing the tendency to freeze under stress and the significance of emotional regulation in such moments. Together, they unveil the transformative power of decluttering physical spaces and emotional landscapes. Gavin envisions a healing ripple effect, where addressing internal clutter leads to improve