Clutter Corner - Organize, Clean and Transform Your Home

What Is Chronic Disorganization with Diane Quintana



What Is Chronic Disorganization? In this enlightening conversation, Angela Brown hosts Diane Quintana, an expert in chronic disorganization, to delve into the subtle yet impactful differences between hoarding disorder and hoarding tendencies.  As Diane explains, chronic disorganization manifests as a lifelong struggle with organization, affecting various aspects of one's life, from relationships to daily routines. The discussion then transitions to the practicalities of managing clutter and maintaining order in everyday life.  Diane emphasizes the importance of defining personal thresholds for possessions and implementing disciplined routines to effectively tackle disorganization. Drawing on relatable scenarios, they explore strategies for reducing overwhelm and establishing manageable cleaning habits. The concept of "closing the loop" emerges as a powerful tool for maintaining tidiness effortlessly. Angela and Diane share personal insights and practical tips, demonstrating how small, consistent efforts can s