Live with Impact

Life Without Questioning



Life Without Questioning- Join Omuugn and Angela Brown for a thought-provoking discussion about belief systems and how many people simply drift aimlessly through life, rarely questioning their beliefs or the world around them. Everyone's life journey is shaped by unique experiences and perspectives, and to question your beliefs and step out of your comfort zone is essential for personal growth. Learn the significance of living in the present moment and being open to the excitement and possibilities it brings. In an era where society faces numerous challenges, from cultural clashes to mounting national debt, we encourage viewers to reflect on these issues and explore their impact on our lives. Come grow with us! Grab a copy of the book and follow along with us on Saturdays. Don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss out. RECOMMENDED RESOURCES ------------------------- Insights and Wisdom of Omuugn: Live with Impact Series Volume 1 - Insights and Wisdom of Omuugn: Live with Impact Serie