Find Your Dream Job: Insider Tips For Finding Work, Advancing Your Career, And Loving Your Job

Finding a Company That Puts Employees First, with Katie Augsburger



Are you ready to leave the company-centered job space behind to find an employer that puts its employees first? Finding a position where you feel deeply valued and truly connected to all your coworkers can be difficult, but Find Your Dream Job guest Katie Augsburger says it is possible. The first step is to be able to articulate your personal values. Secondly, Katie recommends asking questions about the company’s retention and growth policies and practices, and finally, being willing to read the employee handbook for evidence of policies that support marginalized communities.  About Our Guest: Katie Augsburger ( is the founding partner and employee experience strategist for Future Work Design. She has been creating and implementing successful human resources programs for over 15 years. Resources in This Episode: If you’re ready to transition your company to an employee-first model, Katie and her team can help. Learn more about what they offer at www.futurework.d