Find Your Dream Job: Insider Tips For Finding Work, Advancing Your Career, And Loving Your Job

How to Overcome Five Stereotypes about Older Workers, with Debbie Lipton



Regardless of your age, you could face discrimination in your job search. Is ageism illegal? Yes, but that doesn’t mean it no longer exists. The good news is there are practical steps you can take to overcome the stereotypes about older workers. Updating your technical skills should be your first priority, says Find Your Dream Job guest Debbie Lipton. Ditch the AOL email address, update your LinkedIn profile, and use online training sites for specific skills. Debbie also recommends showing how you can work well with colleagues of any age, and why you want the job you’re applying for.  About Our Guest:  Debbie Lipton ( is the founder and owner of Lipton Career Management. Before starting her company, she worked as a career counselor, hiring manager, trainer, and staffing specialist.  Resources in This Episode: If you need help learning how to be a better job candidate, visit One-Stop Career Center. ( From our Sponsor: Find Your Dream J