Find Your Dream Job: Insider Tips For Finding Work, Advancing Your Career, And Loving Your Job

Stop Trying To Be All Things to All Employers, with Mandy Allen



Do you approach your job search with an “I could” attitude? If your response to job openings is, “I could do that,” it’s time to change your strategy because hiring managers aren’t looking for someone who “could” do the job, says Find Your Dream Job guest Mandy Allen. They want someone who has done the job or is excited about doing it. Mandy suggests looking for the common thread in your past work experience, both paid and volunteer. What is the thing you can’t help but do? That thing is likely your natural gifting or passion, so head into the job search process with that unique skillset in mind.  About Our Guest: Mandy Allen ( is the talent and culture manager at AHA Strategy and Creative Agency. It’s an independent women-owned agency in Vancouver, Washington.  Resources in This Episode: Mandy welcomes connections through Instagram ( and on her LinkedIn. ( From our Sponsor: Find Your