Find Your Dream Job: Insider Tips For Finding Work, Advancing Your Career, And Loving Your Job

How to Answer Any Behavioral Interview Question, with Gina Riley



In most job interviews, the hiring manager will lead with questions like “Tell me about a time when …” Or, “Have you ever faced a situation where…?” These are both examples of behavioral interview questions. Before you walk into an interview, you need to be ready for every possible iteration of a behavioral interview question. Find Your Dream Job guest Gina Riley emphasizes that behavioral interview questions give you an opportunity to showcase your skills, demonstrate how you work with a team, and highlight how you’ll excel in the role. About Our Guest: Gina Riley ( is an executive career coach and leadership search consultant with Talence Group ( Her experience in recruitment, interviewing, and leadership talent development led her to develop a career coaching program to help executives clarify and better articulate their career stories.  Resources in This Episode: If you’re ready for executive-level coaching or recruiting, visit Gina a