Find Your Dream Job: Insider Tips For Finding Work, Advancing Your Career, And Loving Your Job

Why You Need to Network Intentionally, with Justin Chin



Every job seeker knows the importance of networking. However, just talking to a lot of random people isn’t the way to find your dream job. What you need is a strategy for intentional networking. Find Your Dream Job guest Justin Chin says that begins with reaching out to past colleagues and their personal connections. Justin recommends building a team of people who will ask you hard questions and challenge your assumptions. That team of folks can also provide you with warm introductions to the people you need to meet in order to get the position you want. About Our Guest: Justin Chin ( is the director of high school connections at Lane Community College ( Justin is a leader in education and career and workforce development.  Resources in This Episode: Justin would love to connect with our listeners. Find him on LinkedIn at From our Sponsor: Find Your Dream Job is brought to you by Top