Find Your Dream Job: Insider Tips For Finding Work, Advancing Your Career, And Loving Your Job

Stop Selling Yourself Short in Your Job Search, with Dr. Carol Parker Walsh



The skills listed in a job posting aren’t the only things you need to focus on in a job search. You bring a lot more to the table than merely a list of hard skills, says Find Your Dream Job guest, Dr. Carol Parker Walsh. Carol suggests making a list of every skill you have, figuring out what you care about the most, and then deciding which of those things match the job you want. Carol says that employers are looking for a whole person, not a list, and she shares how to bring your whole self into any interview situation.  About Our Guest: Dr. Parker Walsh ( is a career strategist, executive coach, and the founder of the Career Rebel Academy. She works with high-achieving women at midlife. Resources in This Episode: If you’re a woman at midlife who is ready to be both successful and fulfilled, find out how Dr. Parker Walsh can help you by visiting her website at ( From