Find Your Dream Job: Insider Tips For Finding Work, Advancing Your Career, And Loving Your Job

How to Use Humor in a Job Interview, with Loren Greiff



If you have a tendency to feel anxious during interviews, maybe it’s time to incorporate some well-timed humor. Humor can alleviate stress and help build rapport with others, even hiring managers. Find Your Dream Job guest Loren Greiff says you need to strike a balance between using humor and trying to be a comedian. You want to be yourself, not making jokes for the sake of getting a laugh, but taking advantage of an opportunity to lighten the mood. Loren also says it is crucial to practice your humor before any interview to be sure it lands well.  About Our Guest: Loren Greiff ( is the founder and president of Loren teaches her clients a search process to find and land positions in the hidden job market. Resources in This Episode: If you’re ready to leave the job scene behind and embark on your dream career, find out how Loren can help by visiting her website at (