Find Your Dream Job: Insider Tips For Finding Work, Advancing Your Career, And Loving Your Job

Why You Need a Job Search Strategy (and How to Do It), with Amy Santee



In the world of job seekers, strategy might seem like the last thing you need. After all, you’ll do just about anything to get your next job, right? But a dialed-in strategy is exactly what you need, says Find Your Dream Job guest Amy Santee. Without it, you’re flailing, not knowing what you want or where to find it. Your job search strategy starts with getting clarity on your priorities, financial needs, geographic preferences, and your long-term goals. Once you know what you’re looking for, you can develop a specific strategy on how to get it. About Our Guest: Amy Santee ( a career strategist and a coach for user experience professionals. Resources in This Episode: If you need actionable steps to take your career to the next level, find out how Amy can help you by visiting her website at ( From our Sponsor: Find Your Dream Job is brought to you by TopResume.( Top Resume has helped more than 400,000