

"A day of pain is worth a lifetime of pride." - Jon Vronman The Cheat Sheet: How he invested his last $4k and how it motivated him. The 53-mile double marathon that changed Jon's life. Do you have to be an extrovert to be in the front of your life? The 3 people you admire most: a life evaluation exercise. What is one of the most powerful questions on Earth? The reason most people don't achieve their life's purpose. And so much more... If you imagined your life playing out like a concert, where would you want to live it: the front row or somewhere in the upper deck? The front row of course - that's where the action, energy and enthusiasm is happening. Jon Vroman has built a business and a life around teaching people to live like they're in the front row and he's our guest for episode 306 of The Art of Charm podcast. Join us as we talk about what it means to live life from the front row, how to reframe experiences in a positive way, why your networks are so important and how to be a contributor who makes ever