

Welcome to the fourth episode of Minisode Monday! We keep finding so many useful tactics and tips that we want to share with you, but they don't fit into the format of a regular show -- hence, Minisode Monday. The Cheat Sheet: Off the top of your head, think of something for which you're grateful. It can be anything -- from a passion for teaching others to having a strong circle of friends to having a good job to loving where you live. Anything. In what ways does this thing for which you're grateful make your life better? Now think back to when and how you came upon whatever makes you grateful. Chances are pretty good another person was responsible for bringing the object of this gratefulness into your life. No matter how long ago this happened, track down and thank that person (thanks to social media like Facebook, it's easier than ever to do this). Let them know how grateful you are for this thing, but more important: how grateful you are to them for introducing you to it. Remember: it's never too late to