

Time for Fan Mail Friday, where we'll be answering your questions and dropping some knowledge and feedback to help you kick the weekend off right. Let's cut to it! In this episode: What news sources do we trust to keep us informed about current events? If you're still in college, is a long distance relationship a worthwhile pursuit -- or will it just hold you back from achieving other goals? Is there such a thing as too much personal development? Can someone really become unknowingly deficient in relationship skills because they're too absorbed in their own journey? How does one get started in the industry of self-help and personal growth? When your estranged parents reach out and want to visit you on the other side of the ocean, is it wrong to tell them that now's not a good time? Quick shoutouts to Mitch, a producer at a studio Jordan used (he turned out to be an AoC fan just by coincidence!) and Chris Johnson, who's deciding whether or not to do his own podcast now that he sees some of the work that goes