

The Art of Charm (@TheArtofCharm) presents one of the most important tools in the toolbox: perfecting your elevator pitch -- a brief and memorable introduction you could make to a fellow passenger in the time it takes to get from the lobby to the penthouse suite. The Cheat Sheet: Do you fear being asked the "what do you do for a living" question? Learn what an elevator pitch is and what you should make sure it includes. What is the Tornado Technique and how can it whittle down your elevator pitch to be most effective? Use these methods to practice and get your presentation down. Understand self-reflective analysis so your pitch can evolve as you do instead of being a stale reflection of who you were last year -- or 10 years ago. And so much more... If you want the most amazing shave possible, take it from us: use a fresh DSC Executive blade and Dr. Carver's Shave Butter -- two reasons to join Dollar Shave Club here today! Learn over 500 subjects (no tests or homework!) at The Great Courses Plus -- The Art o