

The Art of Charm (@TheArtofCharm) triumvirate of Johnny, AJ, and Jordan discuss the importance of narrative building -- taking ownership of the past, being mindful of the present, and setting sights on what we hope to accomplish in the future. To build rapport with others, we have to know our own story first. [Photo by Jonathan Kos-Read] "If you don't understand your narrative, it puts you in peril." -AJ Harbinger The Cheat Sheet: The monomyth, or the hero's journey as identified by mythologist Joseph Campbell, is a pattern that shows up in stories around the world and across cultures -- from The Odyssey to Star Wars. We all have a story -- a narrative -- that informs who we've been, who we are, and who we'll be. But are we making sure we're in control of how we process this narrative? Are you on a hero's journey or a fool's errand? It all depends on who's authoring your narrative. Shouldn't it be you? Following the narrative building exercises discussed in this toolbox episode is a good place to start. Less