

Time for Fan Mail Friday, where we'll be answering your questions and dropping some knowledge and feedback to help you kick the weekend off right. Let's cut to it! In this episode: At what point are you changing too much of yourself for someone else? Is it worth moving to a place you don't like to benefit your career -- at the expense of just about everything else? [Related: Roy Wood Jr. | Father Figure (Episode 593)] If you had to choose just one skill that you would live / deliver well, what would it be and why? Has this podcast had an impact on your life? Please let us know! [Related: Kimberly Seltzer | How to Find a Therapist (Bonus)] How does body language differ in people who grew up under oppressive regimes (e.g., behind the Iron Curtain or North Korea)? How do you know if you're asking too much from someone? Shoutouts to Blueprint and his team at Super Duty Tough Work Podcast and Chelsea the yacht attendant currently navigating the waters of Central and South America! Have any questions, comments, or