

In this Minisode Monday, we address why graduating from school into the workforce isn't a pass to stop learning. The world is constantly changing, and the true professional is a perpetual student. Understand why learning and growth should be seen as a prerequisite for success -- not a distraction. The Cheat Sheet - Learning Is Earning Entering the workforce after graduating with a diploma or certificate or degree is no excuse to stop learning. In fact, the savvy and successful know it's just the beginning. A lawyer legally needs to keep learning just to keep his or her license, but anyone who wants to be good at what they do should follow this example -- whatever their field. In short: if you want to succeed at any level, you're never "done" learning. Learning and growth should be seen as a prerequisite for success -- not a distraction. How many books did you read last year? People at the top of their field could probably rattle off a dozen. But the average for someone who thinks they're done with learning?