

Welcome to Minisode Monday, where we kick off the week with something quick and actionable -- to make you more magnetic and effective -- that you can implement right away. This week, Dilbert's Scott Adams rejoins us to talk about a concept called skill stacking -- and how it can put you in the top one percent of performers in any area (or mix of areas, as the case may be). Let's get to it! The Cheat Sheet: It's not good enough that you're really good at one thing -- because there are probably a lot of people who are also really good at that one thing. But if you can pick up other skills that complement this one thing -- like public speaking, persuasion, communicating, and writing -- you've got an edge. You're skill stacking. According to Scott, every skill you acquire doubles your odds of success. Scott says he's not a great artist, a great writer, the funniest person in the room, or a stellar businessperson, but his skill stacking of these talents makes him a unique force in the market. Did you know that Di