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Fan Mail Friday #113 | Hating Your Job Is Not a Business Plan



Time for Fan Mail Friday, where we'll be answering your questions and dropping some knowledge and feedback to help you kick the weekend off right. Let's cut to it! In this episode: Does processing all the information we learn from our guests and pass on to our listeners every week ever overwhelm us? Hating your job is not a business plan. Who might find your knowledge of Kiribati helpful? A listener weighs in from the last time we brought it up. Why did Jordan choose to go to Serbia when he was learning Russian? Also, can any Russians who came of age during the days of the Soviet Union tell us what they think of the current attitude in America? In response to Fan Mail Friday #110, what came from the dark side of your brain? How come we didn't do a Best of 2016 episode? (In case you're curious, here's our Best of 2015 episode.) What did we think of the United Airlines situation? [Related: United Airlines Isn't the Problem -- It's Good People Doing Nothing by Ryan Holiday] We've been getting some negative atte