

Lisa Feldman Barrett (@lfeldmanbarrett) is the Director of IASLab at Northeastern University, an innovator in the field of psychology, and one of the world's foremost researchers on emotion. Her new book, How Emotions Are Made: The Secret Life of the Brain, is out now. The Cheat Sheet: New science is telling us that emotions aren't hard-wired into our brains and universal -- they're very much affected by the cultures in which they develop. Affective Realism: how our brain predicts what we think we're hearing and seeing, and how this affects our behavior. Do thoughts control feelings? How have scientists stipulated -- rather than discovered -- the notion of universal expressions that leads to often inaccurate stereotypes? Learn how we can expand our emotional palate to become more adept at describing and feeling more nuanced emotions and feelings. And so much more... Want to wash two loads and dry two loads of laundry at the same time? The new Wi-Fi enabled Samsung FlexWash and FlexDry washer and dryer pair