

Peter McGraw (@petermcgraw) is an associate professor of marketing and psychology at the University of Colorado Boulder, founder of the Humor Research Lab (HuRL), and co-author of The Humor Code: A Global Search for What Makes Things Funny. The Cheat Sheet: Humor is ubiquitous -- amusement and laughter are present in all cultures and many non-human mammals. Humor: what is it good for? What are the risks and rewards of humor? Is there a connection between laughter and memory? Can humor be taught? And so much more... If you're a business owner, did you know your payments solution can be an engine for growth? Rethink payments with Braintree. Find out more at! Want to wash two loads and dry two loads of laundry at the same time? The new Wi-Fi enabled Samsung FlexWash and FlexDry washer and dryer pair can do it -- and you can get it now at The Home Depot! Save money on travel and get a free Amazon gift card every time you use Upside! Enter the code FORBES at checkout here and you're