

Time for Fan Mail Friday, where we'll be answering your questions and dropping some knowledge and feedback to help you kick the weekend off right. Even a life you love isn't going to be free of things you don't like. Does the quest for self-awareness have diminishing returns? Some encouraging words from a listener who gets more out of AoC than a library's worth of self-help books. Are microexpressions universal, or aren't they? Dr. Lisa Feldman Barrett weighs in on Dr. Paul Ekman's research and the evolving nature of scientific knowledge. This also applies to Amy Cuddy's work. Even if an airline representative is being a jerk to one of your fellow passengers, is the aisle of an airplane ever a reasonable place to protest? Would you take a flight for a vacation but use distance as an excuse to keep you from training to further your career? Quick shoutouts to General Stanley McChrystal for hitting the bestseller list again and Kelly, who understands the importance of being thorough with makeup application! Hav