

Liz Dolan (@SSLiz) and Larry Seal (@IHateMyBossShow) from the I Hate My Boss podcast join us for this Fan Mail Friday to answer your work and career-related questions, so let's cut to it! In this episode: Company loyalty vs. personal goals when a change in ownership is pending. Have you outgrown your "negaholic" friends at work when they're always complaining about the job you love? Hey, ambitious but unfulfilled intern! Should you stay or should you go? How do you reasonably cope with an unmotivated boss with divided attention -- when that boss is your dad and his attention is divided by family medical issues? What can you do to "forget" your nerves and be confident around your boss? (Warning: advice may vary depending on the business culture of your country.) It's tough being at a small company you really like when you have to report to a "leader" who doesn't take their role seriously. What are your options? Have any questions, comments, or stories you'd like to share with us? Drop us a line at friday@thea