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Minisode Monday #62 | It's All Fake News If We Pick and Choose



This Minisode Monday, we examine how even the most reliable news sources and documentary makers skew the facts or present half-truths when reporting -- often unintentionally -- we just don't notice it unless it happens to be about something with which we're already familiar. It's a reminder to always consider multiple sources if we want to be truly informed on any subject. The Cheat Sheet: We all get news from somewhere. But how do we know our sources are reputable? The truth is, even with the best of intentions, every journalist gets it wrong sometimes -- because nobody's an expert at everything. Chances are pretty good you've been aghast at poor media coverage of a subject in which you consider yourself well informed -- at least once in the entire time you've been consuming news and documentaries. Watch a media production by a news agency or a journalist about a subject in which you are an expert. Take note of the gaps in the coverage. We tend to notice such gaps when we have a good grasp on the subject it