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Minisode Monday #69 | Why You Should Record Your Conversations with Strangers



Rob Reid (@Rob_Reid), author of After On: A Novel of Silicon Valley, will be joining us for a full episode tomorrow. But on this Minisode Monday, we share one of his exercises designed to help us cut back on some of the bad habits we have when conversing and relating with others. The Cheat Sheet: Over the next few weeks or months, record ten hours of conversations with people -- acquaintances, strangers, Lyft drivers, whoever -- using something like a voice memos app or Ecamm Call Recorder on Skype. Listen to yourself with a critical ear. It will impart priceless knowledge about how you come across to other people. We all have annoying habits we're wholly unaware of. But we also have budding conversational superpowers that we could nurture if we only knew they were lurking at the surface. Ten hours is a lot. It will make you cringe. It will also help you get rid of filler words, tics, and other unintentional habits for leaner, more powerful conversations. Get out of your comfort zone and get recording! To le