

Kevin Rose (@kevinrose) founded social news site Digg, created fasting tracker Zero, made meditation app Oak, and hosts a podcast called The Kevin Rose Show where he explores how to reach peak personal and professional performance while living a minimal and balanced life. "The best ideas often sound extremely crazy to almost everyone...but not to the founder." -Kevin Rose The Cheat Sheet: What does Kevin Rose -- a serial entrepreneur who's experienced his own massive successes and failures -- look for when investing in a new startup? What current trends get Kevin excited about the future? What habits have helped Kevin recover from his own trysts with distraction, anxiety, and overall burnout? How do wearables actually help Kevin disconnect from the technology in his life? How is Kevin's new, free meditation app Oak different from the other meditation apps out there, and what features are on the horizon? And so much more... Full show notes at Find out more about the team who ma