

Chemistry is often cited by many as the defining factor in what they look for when venturing into the world of dating - but is it the most important factor when it comes to the success of long term relationships, and what can you do to maximize the chances of finding the one while ensuring you waste as little time as possible? What to Listen For What dating apps are the best for establishing good connections? How do women’s preferences differ from men’s when it comes to dating and how do you take them into account when getting to know new people? What are the advantages and disadvantages of online dating and what can you do to mitigate the potential damage caused by the disadvantages? Is compatibility or chemistry more important in the long run and how should you be viewing both when it comes to looking for what you want? What one simple method can you use to break things off with someone you just met and are not interested in? How can you look at dating in a way that stops making it feel like a waste