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The Art of Meditation To Get Sh!t Done with Justin Michael Williams



Meditation and mindfulness have experienced a resurgence in modern western society as people continue struggling to find peace and fulfillment amidst the chaos and materialism of the modern world - so what can meditation teach us about our place in all of this, and how can we incorporate meditation into our daily lives to make us better friends, coworkers, lovers, and humans? What to Listen For How long should you meditate? What does science say about meditation? What’s the minimum effective dose of meditation? What time of the day is best for meditating and when should you avoid meditating? Why is it so important to be clear with yourself about your intentions? What is the biggest misconception about meditation, especially when it comes to type A personalities? What is the difference between practicing meditation and practicing mindfulness, and why does it matter? What is meditation supposed to be about, and what do many people mistakenly think it’s about? How did meditation first start and how ha