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5 Values, Actions, and Charities to Help Support Black Lives Matter



On this special episode of the Art of Charm podcast, we're digging into 5 values and how they relate to the current issues that we're facing, 5 things that we think everyone should be doing to become more informed to start taking action, and finally 5 of our favorite charities to help start pushing the social needle in the right direction. Episode Resources: Donate to the ACLU Help Fuel the Fight - NAACP Donate to Mutual Aid Support EmbraceRace Support the Equal Justice Initiative Send Us Your Questions The Art of Charm Network A Word From Our Sponsors Stop the stress and anxiety your debt is causing. Find out how you can talk to a freedom debt solutions expert and get your free personalized debt consultation today. Go to Check-in with AJ and Johnny! AJ on Instagram Johnny on Instagram The Art of Charm on Instagram The Art of Charm on YouTube Send us your questions Learn more about your ad choices. Visit