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Steve Herz | Why Critical Feedback is Important and How to Ask for It



In today’s episode, we cover critical feedback and how to ask for it with Steve Herz. Steve is President of The Montag Group, a sports and entertainment talent and marketing consultancy, and a career advisor to CEOs, lawyers, entrepreneurs, and young professionals. Critical feedback is important for our growth, but asking for it and receiving it can be challenging because people who care about us are generally hesitant to tell us anything negative about ourselves, so what can we do to get the feedback we need to improve? What to Listen For Why is critical feedback important to our growth and success, and how can we get better at receiving it? What can you do to get the feedback you need to grow in a culture where people seem to coddle each other out of fear of how you might respond to critical feedback? How do you ask for feedback in such a way that allows people to feel comfortable offering critical feedback rather than just saying something to make you feel good? How much of your success is determined