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Ethan Kross | Dominate Your Inner-Dialogue and Become The Ultimate Leader



In today’s episode, we cover our inner voices and chatter with Dr. Ethan Kross. Ethan is an American experimental psychologist, neuroscientist and writer, who specializes in emotion regulation. He is a professor of psychology and management at the University of Michigan and director of the Emotion & Self Control Laboratory there. We all have that voice in our heads that can feel out of our control sometimes, but why is it there, how can you use it to build confidence, and how does the world around you influence it in good and bad ways? What to Listen For Introduction - 0:00 Why is it a bad idea to turn inward when you encounter challenges in life, and what should you do instead? Why do we have a voice inside our heads that never stops talking? How can you use the voice in your head as a tool to strengthen your mental capability? What is the dark side of our inner voice and what can we do to manage it? How do you manage your inner voice - 10:30 What can we do to harness the power of our