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Erica Dhawan | Communicate Powerfully by Mastering Digital Body Language



In today’s episode, we cover digital body language with Erica Dhawan. Erica studied human innovation and collaboration for over 15 years, shared her insights with over 200 audiences around the world, and wrote the new best-selling book, Digital Body Language: How to Build Trust and Connection, No Matter the Distance. Now that we are working remotely more than ever before, our digital body language is crucial to our success in the workplace, but what is digital body language, how is it different from physical body language, and what can you start doing today to stand out as a leader? What to Listen For What is digital body language? – 8:09 Should you be concerned about your background on a Zoom call? What should you be concerned about most when you’re on a video call? How is digital body language different from the body language we use when face to face? How do you figure out what norms are acceptable in digital communication? – 13:44 What assumptions do we need to stop making when communic