

In today’s episode, we cover breaking the ice with AJ, Johnny, and Michael Herold. Why is breaking the ice an important skill, what impact does it have on your health, and what strategies can you use to make breaking the ice easy and effective? What to Listen For Breaking the ice and your health – 0:00 Why should we be engaging in more small talk and why is it dangerous to our mental and physical health to spend too much time alone? What is the first obvious signal that loneliness is your new normal and what can you do to break out of that cycle? Make small talk more effective – 20:18 Why are witty one-liners ineffective at breaking the ice and what should you say instead? What questions should you avoid when meeting someone for the first time, and what questions should you ask instead? What is the easiest way to revive a conversation if you feel like it’s dying or getting awkward? Break the ice MORE OFTEN! – 30:58 How should we be looking at breaking the ice and small talk