

In today’s episode, we cover narcissism with Lily Walford. Lily is an international dating coach and the survivor of a toxic narcissistic relationship. Narcissists are all around us and can cause untold harm to our mental wellbeing, so what can you do to identify and disarm narcissists, how can you tell if you’re in a relationship with one, and what should you look for to avoid getting into a relationship with one? What to Listen For Introduction – 0:00 What does narcissism look like? How to identify narcissists – 15:30  What signs can you look for if you think you’re dating a narcissist? How do you know if someone is a narcissist? Self-care after a relationship with a narcissist – 24:05 What can you do to take care of yourself after a toxic relationship with a narcissist? Disarming Narcissists – 31:15 What can you to disarm a narcissist? How will a narcissist stop you from disarming him or her? Dating after a narcissist – 41:07 What 4 elements should you look for in a healthy relationship? What