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How To Find Your Purpose With A Simple Mindset Shift | Belle Liang & Timothy Klein



In today’s episode, we cover navigating college and your career with Belle Liang and Timothy Klein. Belle is a professor of Counseling Psychology and Principal Investigator in the Purpose Lab and Tim is an award-winning urban educator, clinical therapist and school counselor, and together they wrote How to Navigate Life: The New Science of Finding Your Way in School, Career, and Beyond. Society places a ton of pressure on kids to follow a certain path through life, but does that path set them up for success or failure, what mindset should we be instilling in kids before they choose a college, and why is the pursuit of happiness leading them away from a fulfilling life? What to Listen For Introduction – 0:00 What mindset do we learn at an early age that sets us up for failure? What is the career and college navigation crisis? What’s wrong with how we perceive higher education – 12:20  What do we get wrong about guiding students into the higher education system and what should we do to set teens up for suc