RED - The Marketing Podcast For Influencers

Make Them Feel You! (Big Podcast Insider Issue 171)



In this episode of Build a Big Podcast, David Hooper discusses the importance of making your audience feel connected to your podcast, shares tips for naming and recording a podcast, and explores the benefits of co-hosting versus having guest appearances. Key Themes Audience Connection: Making people feel you Branding: Importance of podcast names Marketing: Alternatives for voice over recordings Impactful Content: Effectively managing time zones Collaboration: Benefits of cohosting a podcast Tools and Resources: resources to help you build a better, more successful podcast Monetization: Big Podcast AMP coaching program Topics covered in this episode:​ The importance of making your audience feel your message and how it can impact your podcast's success. Challenges faced by unhoused individuals and how a local newspaper is addressing the issue to create awareness. Ways to avoid limitations by choosing specific names for a podcast and the impact it can have on its future options and growth. The concept of "Rec