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230 RR Hiring Diversely with Sarah Mei



Check out and get your ticket for Rails Remote Conf! 02:00 - Sarah Mei IntroductionTwitter GitHub BlogDevmyndRailsBridge06:11 - Why It’s Hard to be “The First Person”BiasesMind the Gap - On the unconscious bias we all carry, and how it applies to hiringAvdi Grimm: What it’s like to come back to a Ruby project after 6 months 13:27 - Transmitting Cultural Values16:01 - What Companies Can DoDev Team Diversity #Realtalk - On the unprecedented opportunity we have right now to diversify our small teamsEveryone has something to learn; Everyone has something to teach (Mentoring)22:35 - What do you look for in a person as a hiring company?Rubberducking24:46 - Setting Expectations Around Pairing SessionsPairing with Junior Developers - On making sure newer devs can be successful once they're hired27:45 - Whisper NetworksTomas Chamorro-Premuzic: Why Do So Many Incompetent Men Become Leaders? 34:08 - Performance Review“How can we make you successful?”42:15 - “I will help you find a better fit.”Investment and Risk44:40 -