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234 RR Beyond Code with Jerod Santo and Adam Stacoviak



02:28 - Jerod Santo IntroductionTwitterGitHub BlogObject Lateral, Inc. 02:44 - Adam Stacoviak IntroductionTwitter GitHub Blog02:55 - The Changelog and Beyond Code (Background)5by5 Wynn NetherlandThe Changelog #172: GitUp, Git UX, and More with Pierre-Olivier LatourThe Changelog #145: 10+ Years of Rails with DHHThe Changelog #139: The Rise of io.js with Mikeal Rogers The Changelog #155: The Future of Node.js with Scott HammondJavaScript Jabber #147: io.js with Isaac Schlueter and Mikeal Rogers  13:50 - The Corporatization of Open Source16:00 - Sharing Stories of Fascinating People and Choosing ConferencesGophercon21:21 - Differences Between CommunitiesRon EvansRuby Rogues Episode #141: Teaching Kids with Ron Evans24:54 - Where are The Changelog and Beyond Code’s future plans?OSCONStrange Loop  Questions:Who is your programming hero?If you had to relearn how to code all over again, what would you tell yourself?What’s the most exciting thing in software right now?31:57 - Interview Wishlist20 Years of Ruby with M