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241 RR What Makes a Great Developer with Phil Spitler



Check out Ruby Remote Conf: coming to you live in March! Buy a ticket or submit a CFP! 02:17 - Phil Spitler IntroductionTwitter GitHub Blog03:20 - Panel opinions: What makes a good developer?07:26 - “Successful” vs “Great” DevelopersGrowth Mindset12:45 - Mentors: What to they epitomize?Maintainability14:37 - How do newbies find/identify mentors?17:45 - When Becoming Great Starts to Matter27:51 - How People “Arrive”; Necessary SkillsetsCode Archaeology30:51 - 36:44 - As a mentor, where do you draw the line?Ruby Rogues Episode #240: What Makes a Good Manager with Marcus Blankenship 40:57 - As an educator: How important is it to do hands-on work of your own?The Freelancers’ Show Episode #184: Goals and Productivity (unreleased at time of publication)Picks Rat-a-Tat Cat (Jessica) Sorry Not Sorry IPA (Jessica) Amazon Fire Kids Edition (Avdi) The Now Habit: A Strategic Program for Overcoming Procrastination and Enjoying Guilt-Free by Neil Fiore (Avdi) Intercom Central® 246 - Four Channels HOME Power-line In