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Home Inspector to Real Estate Millionaire By 27 with Tommy Harr



Tommy Harr is a 29-year-old home inspector turned real estate investor. by the time he was 27 he was financially free and a millionaire through real estate investing. Top 3 Value Bombs 1. You have to understand nobody really cares about what's in it for you. You have to explain to the lender what's in it for them. 2. You have to learn something, master it, systemize it, build a business and put the right people in the place before you go chase the next big thing. 3. Career capital is the thing that you do in the past working in your favor or against your favor in whatever you want to go do. Follow Tommy’s on Instagram - Tommy's Instagram Sponsors HubSpot Starting your year off strong and accomplishing goals like increasing revenue and faster growth starts with the right selling tools. And for that, there’s the all new Sales Hub from HubSpot. Head to HubSpot.com/sales to try it for free CBDistillery With over 2 million customers and a solid 100 percent guarantee, CBDistillery is the source to trust for pure, e