Mad In America: Science, Psychiatry And Social Justice

Adam Urato - Chemicals Have Consequences: Antidepressants and Pregnancy



On our podcast this week, we hear from Dr. Adam Urato. Adam graduated from Harvard Medical School in 1997 and has been practicing medicine for over 25 years, specializing in obstetrics and gynecology. He cares for pregnant women on a daily basis as an attending maternal-fetal medicine physician at MetroWest Medical Center in Framingham, Massachusetts. He writes and lectures regularly on antidepressant use during pregnancy. Adam has contributed to Mad in America’s continuing education efforts and his free course "Antidepressants and Pregnancy" can be found on Mad in America’s education section. It is an informative and comprehensive look into a little-discussed but very important area of women’s health. For this interview, Adam joined me to discuss what we do and don’t know about the effects of antidepressants on babies and mothers and also the importance of counselling in order to aid families in making important decisions about pharmaceutical drug use. *** Thank you for being with us to listen to the podcast