Natalie Sisson's Quest For Freedom - Experiments In Personal, Financial, Physical, Business, Relationship And Financial Freed

Eps 33: How to use the Stop. Start. Continue method for a great 2024



What are you going to stop doing? What are you going to start doing and what are you going to continue doing in 2024?This is a great reflection tool often used in the agile industry and for creating high performing teams, but equally as powerful when used for self reflection. The "stop, start, continue" feedback model can be used to guide your self-evaluation by asking yourself what you should stop doing that may hinder your progress, what you should start doing to help you achieve your goals, and what you should continue doing that is working well.In this episode I share how to use it across all six areas of your life, what I'm stopping, starting and continuing in 2024. Plus I kick off with how this podcast is only going to get better this year thanks to feedback from you!If you want to start living your best life this year, understanding how to set powerful goals and intentions, creating better habits that serve you, and stepping into who you truly want to be to design your ideal life and live it,