Recovery Elevator | Stop Drinking, Start Recovering. | Alcohol, Addiction & Life In Sobriety

RE 105: Does Getting Sober Mean Just Not Drinking?



James, with 79 days sober, shares his story…….. Paul starts the show by recommending Annie Grace’s video course on how to get started in sobriety and how to make lasting changes.  Enter promo code elevator50 to receive $50 off. Does getting sober mean simply not drinking?  No – not drinking equals a dry drunk.  Getting stuck as a dry drunk also means that your life will not be as happy and fulfilling as it should be.  This can lead to a slow downhill decline until you pick up drinking again. If giving up alcohol feels like a punishment, than you have entered into dry drunk land (  Recovery does not mean returning to the life you had before drinking; it means moving through the challenges of what life throws your way. Symptoms of a dry drunk: Low stress tolerance Picking up other unhealthy choices (lay off the smokes Paul!) Loneliness Denial Refusal to accept what recovery means Romancing the drink Self-pity Being over-prideful Getting involved in meeti