

Amanda, with 19 months since her last drink, shares her story   Why we drink:   Alcohol is everywhere. Drinking appears to be the norm.  We are bombarded with alcohol advertisements 67 times a day.  Our society has a love affair with booze. We have a genetic make-up to become addicted to alcohol. Our environment is flooded with alcohol. We think everything we do should be accompanied by alcohol. Alcohol is a highly addicted drug. We have shitty coping skills.   Not on the list of why we drink: a moral failing or a weakness of character   SHOW NOTES   [ 7:45 ] Paul Introduces Amanda.  How long have you been sober?   Amanda – I have been sober for 19 months.  This is the longest I have ever been sober.  I feel very proud of myself.   [ 8:51 ]  What is your background?   Amanda – I am from Mississippi but now live in Florida with my 15 year old daughter.   [ 10:27 ] Did you ever try to put rules in place to moderate your drinking?   Amanda – I started drinking when I was 16 so there were no rules in the beginn