

Julie, with 92 days sober, shares her story……… Big alcohol companies like to blame the individual rather than the poison that they sell.  The liquor industry spends millions of dollars on advertisements that tell us we should drink responsibly.  If we do not drink responsibly, than we are to blame.  We should know when to say when, right?  The facts show that alcohol kills 85,000 people each year.  But to the companies selling the booze, money is the name of the game.  These companies make billions while avoiding high taxes because alcohol is not taxed as high as other beverages. *********************************Don’t be duped by alcohol advertisements*****************************************   SHOW NOTES   [9:21] Paul Introduces Julie   Julie – I have been sober for 92 days and it feels really good.  I did not think that I could do it.  I am 35 years old and work as a nurse.  I enjoy music and going to concerts.   [11:00] When did you realize you had a problem with alcohol?   Julie – I have known for years.