

Kari, with 4 years since her last drink, shares her story………………. Café RE is now on a waitlist to join.  Once the list gets to approximately 30-40 people, another group will be formed.  To be placed on the waitlist, go to and click on the Café RE tab at the top of the page.  Enter the promo code RE1month to join. Paul reviews the video “The 13th Step.”  The 13th step (where new comers are “preyed” upon by others in AA) is joked about in and out of the rooms.  The fact is that courts are ordering violent sexual predators to AA for a plea deal.  AA should not be a punishment but 40-60% of its attendees are court ordered.  This movie depicts AA in a negative light.  Sure, there are flaws with AA.  Every program has negative aspects and positive aspects.  I personally dislike movies that bash any recovery program.   SHOW NOTES   [ 8:39 ] Paul Introduces Kari   Kari – I am 4 years sober and live in Montana.  I am married and enjoy skiing, hiking, biking and running.   [11:42] What were your